Spring Bucket List Ideas & Activities for Pet Owners

Spring is here! The winter blues have lifted, and it’s finally time for some fun outside! For pet owners, the gentler spring weather takes on new dimensions. It means spending quality time with your furry friends, and going on new adventures together!

Check out our spring bucket list for pet owners and get out of dodge!


1. Take A Mini-Vacation

Shake off the winter blues the right way with a few days off. And take your pets with you! There are plenty of options for travel with pets. Getting your dog ready for a long drive is often just a case of packing appropriately, and training with shorter runs during the winter. Once the better weather roles in, check out some dog-friendly hotels for wherever you’re looking to go. Load up the car, and make sure to secure the dogs!

2. Give The Dog An Outdoor Bath

Your dog’s probably been as cooped up as you have during the winter month. The best way to celebrate warmer weather is spring cleaning. So set up a kiddie pool in the yard, and set the sprinkler on the dog. It’s a lot more fun for him, and he can still get squeaky clean without even realizing it!

3. Dine Al Fresco

Visiting a restaurant or café with your dog isn’t easy in the winter months. But once the patios open, you’d be surprised how many restaurants and cafes are dog-friendly! Just remember to keep Fido outside. Whether you’re looking to check out the scenery or meet some new people, your dog will love hanging out with you. Catching some rays at a cozy café with good eating is an added plus.

4. Take A Hike

If your winters are anything like many of us, it’s a lot tougher to take a good long walk with the dog. The spring weather is a great time for both of you to finally stretch your legs. Find a hiking trail, grab your running dog leash, and get a good exercise in. If you’ve got a yard space, take advantage of it. You might even want to enroll the dog in some agility training, or take up running together and do a charity fun run. Whatever gets you both outside, and keeping fit together!

5. Go To A Game

Play ball! Check out the local sports leagues. Spring is a time for baseball! The ball field is a great place for you and your dog to meet some new people and get some fresh air. Plenty of people bring their dogs to games to get exercise and socialization. Dog-friendly ball games are often set up as charity events to help out shelters and get dogs and cats adopted too. All that fun for a good cause!

Shaking off the winter blues and getting into the sunshine is fun for everyone. It’s especially fun for our furry companions though! Why not make the most of the great weather and all that spring has to offer? Try our spring bucket list of fun things to do with your dog, it’s sure to keep you busy together. At least until summer!

If you would like to learn more or if you would like to use our pet care services reach out to us via email or call us.



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