Best Fall & Halloween Dog Events In Los Angeles!

As fall approaches, there’s a great opportunity to get out and enjoy all of the dog events in the Los Angeles area. Ditch the candy and door bell ringers, dress up Fido and get out for the cutest Halloween fun you’ll ever have!

Here are just a few of the spooktacular halloween events for dogs going on in and around L.A.

Howl-O-Ween Doggie Dash 5k

Join the 3rd Annual Howl-o-ween Doggie Dash 5K! Run (or walk) with your pup (or without) to help LA Frontrunners raise funds for PAWS/LA! Registration is $35 through October 25 and $40 race morning, Oct 28th. There will be a costume contest- with prizes so head on over and sign up!

Learn more


Strut Your Mutt in Los Angeles

October 20, 2018 in Exposition Park enjoy a family-friendly walk with other animal lovers! Fundraiser, food and enjoyable activities included. This will definitely be a fun dog activity in Los Angeles for you and your best doggy bud!

Details of this event.

Cocktail Cruise with Doggies

Mark your calendars for this dog friendly cruise. October 20, from 1:30-4 p.m. Advanced ticket purchase is required. Located in the Fisherman’s Village in Marina del Rey. You and your dog will enjoy food, a cruise and a front row view to the sailboat races in the harbor!

More information


The Marina Vista Park Hosted Haute Dog Howl’oween

Come to watch the fantastic costumes or go ahead and enter your dog and go for a walk! Lots of costumed furry friends in this amazing parade. You are encouraged to dress up, too. This event is sure to be a crowd-pleaser.

More details


Eagle Rock Bark Halloween Party And Pet Rescue Adoption

This of course Halloween themed party will have games, contests and tons of freebies along with live entertainment! This volunteer run pet adoption event will be held on Sunday, October 28 from 1:00 to 4:00pm in Eagle Rock at 2035 Colorado Blvd.

If you want more info check here.


5th Annual Haunted Howl-o-ween Party at Wag Hotels

The Wags Hotel in Hollywood is having their 5th annual haunted Howl-O-Ween party in order to help out the California Fire Foundation. For the evening there will be a haunted hotel to give you a frightening good time. Aside from that, some other activities include costume contests, trick-or-treat goodies, vendors and more! Come on down Saturday, October 27th to Wags Hotel. Since this is a fundraiser, tickets will costs anywhere from $10 to $50. For any kids 18 and under, admission is free!

Find the rest of the fun here.


Tito’s October Yappie Hour

Enjoy a vodka with your dog at Aloft Hotel in El Segundo Los Angeles. Tito’s fall Yappie hour is being sponsored by Vodka For Dog People so come have some fun at this dog and kid friendly event along with free parking. The event is totally free and the event is on October 4th, 2018 from 5:00 to 7:00pm

Look here for more


Los Angeles offers a wide variety and some of the best dog-friendly activities for you and your dog to enjoy together this fall. Dog events in L.A. include dog costume parties, dog parades, dog parks and more. Some are free, while others do have a small fee but there’s something for every doggy so don’t just sit there!  Put your best Halloween costume on (don’t forget your dog’s) and plan on participating in these awesome dog events in Los Angeles.

Remember, Halloween can be a stressful time for some pets so don’t force anything and be sure to have a secure dog leash- you may even consider a hands-free leash so that you don’t risk dropping it or your dog pulling away from you. It also doesn’t hurt that you’ll be able to eat, drink, and enjoy the festivities a little more!

Of course, if your pooch isn’t the social type don’t let that stop you from enjoying dressing your pooch up at home and enjoying selfies together or hire a dogsitter to keep your pet company while you go mingle with other dog-lovers!

If you would like to learn more or if you would like to use our pet care services reach out to us via email or call us.



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